Spring til indhold
13. okt. 2021, 13:00 - 16:00

Det får du ud af at deltage...




  • Indsigt i den fremtidige strategi for Meraki, samt hvordan Cisco har styrket positionen omkring Cloud Networking.
  • Indsigt i den absolut hurtigst voksende forretningsområde i Meraki, nemlig IOT og Edge Intelligence. Det er her vi for alvor ser værdien i Meraki platformen, og alt den data der kan arbejdes med.
  • En eftermiddag der sætter gang i tankerne omkring hvad netværket kan levere nu, og i fremtiden




Short introduction to speakers and formal welcome

Investing in the future 

A strong digital foundation can power your business well into the future. We will take you through some of the main points where Meraki can help your company build that foundation.

30 min. by Kirsty Hair

The future of IOT and Edge Intelligence

One of the fastest growing business units at Meraki, and with good reason. Joe Weiss will give you the latest around some of the most innovative solutions that Meraki can deliver.

60 min. by Joe Weiss

Boost your business with Meraki Eco system partners

The Meraki Dashboard collects massive amounts of data, data that can be transferred into genuine business value if used the right way. David Owens from Everyangle will show how they deliver true business value and better insights on top of the Meraki platform.

30 min. by David Owen

Panel Discussion and Closure

Panel topics : Covid19, work from home, Intelligent stores and more….

30 min.


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